Friday, December 12, 2014


12 December 2104: How cool is this! A time capsule, from 1795, is taken out of the cornerstone of the Massachusetts State House in Boston. Authorities believe it was likely placed by Sam Adams and Paul Revere. 1795 is when the work was begun on the State House and Samuel Adams was governor of Massachusetts at the time.  Talk about history coming to life!
the Corner Stone
 It's a small box, now green with corrosion and age, but still apparently intact. The capsule, originally encased in cowhide, was removed in the mid- 19th Century to transfer it to a copper box (hence the green colored corrosion!), will not be opened until it is throughly examined and x-rayed. The corner stone was moved in conjunction with an on-gong water filtration project at the building.
A conservator from the Boston Museum of Fine Arts carefully chiseled at the stone, removing pieces bit by bit until the box was freed. It took several hours, apparently. 
Pamela Hatchfield, Conservator, with the capsule  
Secretary of State, Paul Galvin, suggested the box and its contents would be returned to the site next year after a thorough examination. The condition of the contents - or what they might be - is unknown at this point.Stay tuned, I will try to keep you updated as this evolves. But it's bound to be exciting!

New Subject: Saturday, 12/13/14 (!) is the Army Navy Game. Traditionally a great rivalry between two of our warfighter institutions. The really exciting news about this is that it will be played at the Ravens' Stadium in Baltimore . . .  and your humble scribe will be in attendance! Hopefully, the Midshipmen will continue their brilliant record of 12 wins in a row over the Cadets of West Point ! 
Either way, it will be a wonderful spectacle! And a huge thanks to my son, Josh, for scoring the tix! 

"Go NAVY, beat Army!" long time sentiment of Squids and Marines

                                          Fair Winds,
                                            Old Salt

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